
be grateful & prayerful & humble

I LOVE to see this every morning when I start my day!
This is roughly 22inches x 38inches and is on my landing in the staircase.

need one?
give me a call!


Shaved Ice

My good Friend Elisha has a fabulous new business here in our area and I was asked to get some vinyl on the side.
Here is the finished project:

Do you need a business logo?
Give me a call!


Go Tigers

My big sis called and asked me to do something like this for her son, only with a tiger head.

I think our rendition turned out very good.
I had to do a tiger head in White and then an overlay of black. It was some work...but worth it for my nephew!
Go Tigers!


Nicole's Home

I got a request from my SIL to do a few things, take a look at her cute home!

Don't you just love this wall color? Me too!

A classic Quote for any home!

Just over the new babies crib.

This tree ended up to be
5.5 feet tall by 3.5 feet wide.

And of course for Miss Kaia...what a sweetie!

If you like what you see...
Let me know!


H2O bottle

Traveling makes for an interesting car when your driving with my family. Just before one of our summer trips I ran down to the local Walmart and purchased 5, $5.00 reusable water bottles for my little gang. There is always fighting over which one is yours or mine and then there is, with out fail the bottle left on the floor that didn't get the lid screwed on tight.
These handy bottles were perfect...minus assigned bottles.


(this bottle is very beat up, but everyone knows that it's MINE)
**all the kids got their own with their name and some sort of graphic on it.

don't let your bottle get swiped, put your name on it!

drop your drawers

Three years ago I had my SIL make me a sign, for my laundry room, that read "drop your drawers".
I loved it, then we moved. If you know me, that's not too surprising.

Just recently my other SIL asked me to make her this for her home.
original photo

I loved the way it looked but realized that laundry isn't Loads of Fun at my home...it's just Loads.
So, remembering back I thought I would change it up a little but still have that same look about it. Here is what I came up with.

My laundry room
Sure wish i could whip myself up a upright washer and dryer like the one in the above photo!

If your in the need of a positive slogan to keep your laundry skills motivated...LET ME KNOW!

Family is Everything

I love to display pictures of my 5 beautiful children but don't always get the spacing or placement right with the frames.

While staring at the wall there was something I needed to balance out the chi. I remembered seeing this photo online and thought it would work just great on my wall, but...slightly different.

original photo
(no clue on the family)

My Living room wall

3 panel frame display

My mother was going through some of her old frames and came across three 12x12 scrap booking frames. She didn't want the frames and I knew just where they needed to rest.

I found this image online somewhere, they are very easy to find. **Search "3 panel vinyl wall decals" and you'll see numerous ideas.

It was originally pretty big. But, I wanted them to fit in my frames, so I decreased the size to fit perfectly in my free find. 

wall art for Nada!

restroom wall
OH....don't even let me forget the little birdie that rest in the same room. I just had to have a little more color in my bathroom and didn't want another picture. I looked online again and found this cutest little birdie that just had to be in my house.
original photo

my restroom

Do you have a spot in your home for 3 panel decal or sweet bird?
Let me know!

The gathering place

My kitchen needed a little something so I found this utensils photo online as well as this quote photo.
The fork and spoon were about 12 x 8 inches and so I enlarged them to 38 x 10 inches for that spot above my cabinets.
If you like what you see...let me know!

original image

my kitchen